Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011
16 Dec 2010 An anti-gay group wants Christians to reclaim the rainbow from the queers because the rainbow symbolizes God's covenant with man.
31 Mar 2010 Earlier this month, The Iowa Family Policy Center made headlines when it publicly claimed that homosexual activity was “more dangerous for
10 Dec 2010 Christian Today > A group of US Christians behind a declaration defending the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty
divorce, mental problems, divorce support groups, therapist and marriage who hurt deeply: christian marriage & divorce counseling referrals, books).
16 May 2008 Christians of all walks of life are responding to the decision by the California Supreme Court to legalize gay “marriage” Thursday with a
27 May 2009 The National Organization for Marriage has bought advertising time on New York City and Albany stations in an attempt to stop the approval
Group marriage is definitely NOT polygamy. For Christian Polygamy, therefore, the Biblical definitions regarding same-gendered individuals being "married"
In some Christian faiths marriage is a sacrament, in others it is not. The United Church of Christ, and various Quaker groups leave the decision to
9 Jan 2010 Christian groups have said said they had asked Mexico's attorney general to overturn a newly-voted Mexico City law allowing gay marriage and
Focus on the Family provides relevant Christian advice on marriage, A Barna Research Group study revealed a stunning statistic that only nine percent of
Women's Support Groups for Creating Marriage Intimacy, Christian Marriage Support Based on Surrendered Wife by Laura Doyle.
4 Feb 2011 A diverse coalition that includes some of the nation's leading religious groups -- Southern Baptists, Catholics, Mormons and Jews -- has
27 Apr 2000 Couples enter into their first marriage at a older age than in the past. Divorce rates among Christian groups:
For couples, group study, counseling, mentoring and church marriage ministries. These Christian, biblical books are written by Doug Britton.
It has called the idea of allowing gays to serve openly in the military “evil”; opposed hate crimes legislation (which many religious-right groups falsely
Do you have questions about dealing with your marriage or relationship? Discuss issues like these with Bible studies designed specifically for couples.

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