Grey's Anatomy - Anatomy of an Outfit: Cristina Is a Lady In Red. Grey's Anatomy: Didn't We Almost Have It All? Episode Summary on


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011

Watch this Grey's Anatomy video, Christina and Burke (Wedding Break Up) - Better in time, on Fanpop and browse other Grey's Anatomy videos.

3 Apr 2009 The speculation continues as to who will tie the knot on the 100th episode of Grey's Anatomy. Given all of the conflicting information it's

Grey's Anatomy: Season 1: Episode 4 -- Cristina's encounter with a Grey's Anatomy: Season 3: Episode 25 -- Cristina and Burke's wedding day arrives

On the day of her wedding, Cristina remained plagued by self-doubt. She realized that her love

13 Sep 2010 Cristina and Owen's Wedding. SAVE THE DATE: Owenstina is making it official! Grey's Anatomy Photo Gallery: "Not Responsible"

Details, descriptions, reviews of the Grey's Anatomy episode Didn't We Almost Cristina and Burke's wedding day has arrived and so have the interns exam

1 Sep 2010 Earlier today, the spoilersphere was abuzz with confirmed news of a Grey's Anatomy season premiere wedding. Now the question is, how does

3 Feb 2011 Cristina Yang on Her Wedding Day to Preston Burke in Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy. Photo Credit: Scott Garfield/ABC via Getty Images

9 Sep 2010 Grey's Anatomy: Cristina And Owen - The Wedding Pic. Here it is peeps, from the latest issue of People magazine with a quote from Sandra Oh:

Get Info on Dr. Cristina Yang, played by Sandra Oh on Grey's Anatomy. On the day of her wedding, Cristina remained plagued by self-doubt.

24 Sep 2010 'Grey's Anatomy' -'With You I'm Born Again'] When 'Grey's Anatomy' Meredith who looked like an ugly raccoon during Cristina's wedding.

15 Sep 2010 Cristina and Owen get married in the premiere episode of the 7th season of " Grey's Anatomy." Christina wears a red dress for the low-key

1 Sep 2010 'Grey's Anatomy' Wedding Couple Revealed. the biggest change in the world is Cristina wanting to be a bride,' Shonda Rhimes said.

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