Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011
7 Oct 2007 Top cut: Karen Pastor in a copy of Nicole Kidman's wedding dress and Natalie Smith in a copy of Erica Baxter's gown.
7 Jul 2007 James Packer (Australia's Wealthiest Man) and Erica Baxter (Model), French Riviera, I just wish I could have seen her wedding dress!
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3 Jul 2007 Both articles wrote about the wedding dress of the bride, Packer's vow and Erica Baxter wearing a dress and escorted by her father,
28 Oct 2009 James Packer, 39, and Erica Baxter, 29, spared no expensive when they married in Erica Packer had a weekend of designer Wedding dresses.
21 Jun 2007 JAMES Packer and Erica Baxter have followed their intimate town hall marriage with a spectacular wedding ceremony in front of about 100
2 Jul 2007 This cemented white as the universal colour of the wedding dress. As the world waited for the Erica Baxter frock, and a million rip off
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7 Oct 2007 Top cut: Karen Pastor in a copy of Nicole Kidman's wedding dress and Natalie Smith in a copy of Erica Baxter's gown.
18 Jun 2007 MUSIC: Listen to Erica Baxter's debut album Mrs Murdoch could give no clues as to what the wedding dress would look like, but revealed
31 Dec 2010 The media had a field day covering the wedding of James Packer & model Erica Baxter. Erica had Alex Perry design two gowns for her wedding, of soft pinks and a Monique L'huillier dress made of beautiful lace,
I'm not sure if this is the right thread to be posting in, but does anyone have any photos of Erica Baxter's wedding dress the Dior one?
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25 Jul 2007 The wedding of James Packer and Erica Baxter. Packer to singer Erica Baxter. The bride's wedding dress was by John Galliano of Dior.
19 Jun 2007 Mrs Murdoch could give no clues as to what the wedding dress would But exactly where, when and how James Packer and Erica Baxter will

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