THE ONION QUARTERLY - IslandOnion QUARTERLY. Coalition Holds 'Funeral' For C.U. Migrant Program | The Cornell


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14 Nov 2010 (Chris Pawelski is an Orange County Farm Bureau Board member and Black They celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary on August 19th.

15 Aug 2010 By Chris Mckenna. Times Herald-Record "It's basically a weed program, not a grass program," said Chris Pawelski, a Warwick onion grower who presence known soon enough — and add to his spraying and weeding costs.

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15 Mar 2005 According to Schmidt, this shift is in part due to a local grower by the name of Chris Pawelski. Tony Marks-Block '07 said that Pawelski is

24 Oct 2007 Chris Pawelski is a fourth-generation onion farmer in Orange We hopped in the cab of a vintage Army dump-truck driven by Chris Pawelski,

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1 Jan 2009 Orange County's Chris Pawelski once again pleaded the case of black dirt farmers , who in recent years have been struggling with bad weather

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