Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011
10 Oct 2007 It has been nearly 30 years since she got married, but Iraqi legislator Samira Musawi, a Shiite Muslim, still bristles at what she considers
4 May 2005 Pleasure marriages, outlawed under Saddam Hussein, have begun to flourish again. The contracts, lasting anywhere from one hour to 10 years,
28 Apr 2010 The former first lady dishes on Iraq, gay marriage and overseas intrigue in her new book.
26 Jan 2007 FATIMA ALI was a 24-year-old divorcee with no high school certificate and no job . Shawket al-Rubae was a 34-year-old Shiite sheik with a
12 Jan 2010 Among the modern Shi'ites in Iran and Iraq, temporary marriage is allowed, giving men the opportunity to marry an unlimited number of women.
27 May 2010 Therefore the very least that can be said about the current marriage in Iraq is "abandon it for it is rotten!"
27 Dec 2008 Where once battlefield psychiatric clinics were inundated by traumatised soldiers, they are now filled with cries for help in divorce
In Iraq, as in much of the region, nearly half of all married couples are first The most prominent example of an Iraqi first cousin marriage is that of
21 Apr 2009 BAGHDAD — Three cars bedecked in flowers and ribbons swerve around blast walls and honk through police checkpoints, before screeching to a
Who May Perform Marriages in Iraq? American diplomatic and consular offices are NOT permitted to perform marriages (Title 22, Code of Federal Regulations
15 Feb 2007 Bowing to the dominant religious elements in his Shia Party, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki announced today a complete ban on
30 Jan 2011 Information on how to register a marriage or birth in Iraq.
6 Aug 2009 Marriage in general is coming back into strong favor. Figures from Iraq's Higher Judicial Council show that 274014 couples were married in
26 Dec 2006 Indeed, half of all marriages in Iraq are between first or second cousins. Among countries with recorded figures, only Pakistan and Nigeria
Bush, Marriage, and Iraq by Thomas Kearney, January 23, 2004. The headline on the front page of the January 14, 2004, edition of the New York Times read,
12 Jul 2009 Temporary marriages are on the rise in Iraq's mainly-Shiite southern provinces, especially in Karbala, Najaf, Muthana and Basra.
Iraqi Social Status Law (civil) establishes marriage laws in Iraq. Foreigners marrying in Iraq are subject to the provisions of the Social Status Law.
22 Oct 2010 "Abuse Of Temporary Marriages Flourishes In Iraq." by Kelly McEvers for NPR, October 19: The practice of temporary marriage has long been
29 Sep 2010 FactCheck looks at some of the claims Labour leader Ed Miliband makes in an interview with Channel 4 News.
19 Oct 2010 The practice, a way of having a "legitimate affair," was banned during Saddam Hussein's reign but returned after the American invasion.

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