Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011
In the next 11 days, 50 kids give their lives to Christ, and a church is planted . Engle calls it a “mobilization miracle” that so many youth participated in homosexual marriage in that state as a devastating blow to the marriage
20 Oct 2009 This Is Lou Engle's recent statement concerning this time: Maine's Call to Pray & Fast for Marriage. 21 Day Fast: October 14th through
17 Oct 2009 Lou Engle: "Maine's Call to Prayer and Fast for Marriage! national Christian leaders and pro-family leaders in Maine to call the whole
24 Apr 2010 Engle states that he personally made 3000 phone calls to leaders and for acts of Christian martyrdom to stop gay marriage and abortion.
13 Jan 2010 The National Marriage Summit wrapped up Tuesday on Capitol Hill and featured strategies for Christian Broadcasting Network "Law restrains certain things," said Lou Engle, founder of the organization, The Call.
2 Jun 2009 [UPDATE: Lou Engle, who publicly calls for acts of Christian At Lou Engle's November 1, 2008 pro-Proposition 8 anti-gay marriage TheCall
5 Sep 2010 THE SHOT — Lou Engle dialed, Mike Huckabee answered, and Tony Perkins left a message in Sacramento at The Call, the annual conservative
29 Oct 2008 Tags abortion, evangelicals, gay marriage, lou engle, obama, palin, proposition 8, sarah posner, satan, supreme prayer, the call
Although Engle and his ministry, Justice House of Prayer, have held similar Although voters approved a measure to protect traditional marriage in 2000, has awakened the church,” Engle said, adding that the Christian community is
Marriage in California could be a gift if it stirs the church to prayer for God Tube: Christian TV Engle talks about The Call going to Jerusalem and
6 Sep 2010 At The Call to Conscience at Sacramento, Pastor Lou Engle introduced a plan to Thousands Come Together to Pray Against Abortion & Gay Marriage Summoned by conservative Christian leaders from around the country,
Jump to : 8 campaign, asked Engle to bring "The Call" to California to help pass the
Since 2000, evangelical Christian youth have gathered with Engle for The Call events in cities including Las Vegas, Nashville, Cincinnati, Dallas and Los
7 Sep 2010 The Call, Lou Engle, abortion, LIFE, gay marriage, christian news. From: http:// Thousands of Christian conservatives
5 Sep 2010 Christian leaders who took the stage at TheCall Sacramento event And the people is a reflection of the Church,” said Lou Engle, founder of TheCall, during the rally. commented leaders of The Call on the movement's website. The Curse Lifted: Christian Marriages and the Degenerate 'I' Word
2 Jun 2009 During the lead up to the presidential election, Lou Engle's TheCall played The Call focuses on opposition to gay right and abortion rights, called to die as a martyr for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ?

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