Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 12/02/2011
Return to the Bosque County Marriage Index. Bosque County, Texas Marriages GROOM INDEX 1860 - 1928 McCAGBREE/COGHRAE?, W F McADOO, M E 29 JUN 1872 B©268 MORRIS, Z ANDERSON, APPIE 5 AUG 1895 F©512
"P" 1872 Marriage by Groom Surname. PAIMENT PAQUETTE PARKER PARSONS to MAURICE Cyrille born Montreal son of MAURICE Cyrille & PILON Ursule aka MORRIS
1872 17 Smith, Thos Anderson, Mary 1872 14 Smith, Willard Erskine, (Conklinn) Margaret C. 1875 44 Wernica, Henry Morris, Martha 1871 19 West.
Bartlett, Clem Albritain, Minty 9 Jun 1872 5 383 Gervin, Morris Anderson, Catharine 6 Dec 1906 12 340. Jackson, Pete Anderson, Charlie Mae 28 Aug 1937
Date/Year of Marriage : 1872 Location : Manhattan * Certificate Number 46131 Anderson, William Spouse : Johanson, Morris A. Date/Year of Marriage
George Morris Anderson and Eliza had the following children: 40 i. 1872, in Jackson Township, he was a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Anderson. He was united in marriage Dec 8, 1919 to Rosetta McCullough by the Rev.
Dallas County Marriage Records Sorted By Groom 1871-1873 Sarah E 4-6-1871 Ames, William to Marton, Mary 3-18-1872 Anderson, Edward R to Runner, H to Morris, Sarah M 8-29-1872 Highfill, William R to Lee, Miss N J 1-18-1871
Marriage Book 1A. 1861-1872. INDEX. This book was digitized by: Pope, Anderson, 129, 223, 313. Pope, Betsey, 219. Pope, Elisha, 487. Pope, Eliza, 142
Anderson - Hert - 13 Mar 1872 - John S. ______[?] Hays - Noah Robbins - Susan Robbins - ______ - Phillis Morris - Hert - 14 Dec 1868 - Emanuel Reynolds
Welcome to our Johnson Family Club's "Johnson Family Marriage Records" section Apr 1847 William Morris Anderson 27 Apr 1848 Minerva Davis Charles (Chas.
1872-1874 Marriage Records from Book A, Andrew Co., MO (all records - June 2004) 3089, John W, Robinson, Mattie, Anderson, 9 Jan 1872
We have collected and maintained a database of Michigan Marriages from DEC 1872 -- -- DECIUS JANE-ELLEN MARIE DECIUS DAVID MORRIS ANDERSON 23 OCT 1992
David Morris & Martha Jane Mooney - 24 Dec 1860. John Howard Anderson Sarah Yager - 7 Jan 1872. William Terry Anderson & Lavina Pool - 24 March 1873 William Clyde "Wild Bill" Anderson & Juanita May Temple marriage license
NC Pasquotank Morris, Aaron Anderson, Polly 24 Jun 1877 TN Perry Morris, 3 Jul 1898 TX Dallas Morris, B.B. Lyda, Jane C. 14 Aug 1872 Henderson Morris,
Marriage Records of Ashe County, North Carolina 1801-1872 William B. Osborne, Caroline 9/17/1872 4 Brackins, Anderson Lyles, Anna 2/26/1866 1,3 Morris James Horton Greer, Charles Frank Smith, Elizabeth 9/5/1872 4 Greer,
4 May 2008 In June of 1895 she was united in marriage with Henry Bogue of Berwick. Cloyd Wright, Morris Anderson and Dwight Hecker.
Charles Anderson, second son of Jourdan and Mary Anderson, married Ann Allen. Mr. J. W. Murphey died in Hamilton, Ga., November 15, 1872; his wife died July 27 Otho Anderson Morris, born June 29, 1891. 2. Charles Albert Morris
Find Kansas marriage records in free genealogy databases online. Search by county or contribute your Marriage Record Book Index. Book A, 1872 - 1886

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